CBD Oil For Arthritis

CBD oil for arthritis has become a popular solution for people and even your animals’ pain. But are CBD oils good to use for arthritis? What are the benefits, and can it possibly help my pet with arthritis too? How do I know CBD is the right thing to help me ease my pain? Do not worry, we promise all your questions will be answered by the end of this blog. (more…)

Benefits of CBD Oil on Humans

CBD oil for human use has been on the rise in the past few years and in 2018. It has been making headlines in the medical and health community as well as political legislation. Due to the media exposure, there has been a cultural acceptance toward CBD oil. Even the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the prescription use of Epidiolex. Epidiolex a purified form of CBD oil (used for treating two forms of epilepsy). Yet, what is...